
NEW MODUS OPERANDI: Budol-Budol Gang Introduces Themselves as UP Students

Budol-Budol Gang gets more creative with luring their victims into giving up their belonging. Continue below.

Roaming around streets at night is fun when with your friends. Heading out, probably drinking or just plain going to restaurants for your good old time food trips. But what if you're alone? Going out seems a lot more scary, creepy and it just gives you the adrenaline rush to stay alert.

At the streets of Manila, we all know it's not safe. Gangs and different kinds of scams just loiter around, waiting for their next victim. Whatever we do, or however we wish to be safe, it is dependent on how we are observant and how much we trust guts.

The story of our netizen below shows how much these scams get to evolve. Evolving into a more dangerous one. They get even more smart and creative with how will they lure you into their hypnotizing words. It is obvious that the notorious Budol-Budol Gang is behind this scam for they are famous in gaining their victim's trust and having them hand their belongings to them easily and escape within the shadows.

The story is shown below.

May this be a warning to all of us. Let us always stay alert and trust our guts when they say that something is wrong. Remember, MIND OVER MATTER. Stay safe dear readers.

Any thoughts on how to prevent being in such situation? Do you have a Budol Budol Gang story to share of your own? Leave a comment below and let us know!

source: wheninmanila