
HEALTH TIPS: The Solution To High Blood Pressure

image source: doctormurray

High blood pressure is a serious thing. It's where your blood pressure goes above 140 over 90. The normal blood pressure is lower than that and the most preferable one is 120/80. So how do we find a solution to this? Continue below!

There are two ways to maintain your blood pressure. One is the natural way and the other is taking medicine to regulate them (for those who already suffer high blood pressure). If you experience 160/100, you would badly need some medicine for that.

Below are tips by Dr. Willie T. Ong about the natural way and effective medicine for the said illness.

Natural Way:

1.) Lose weight. When we go over the normal weight that is suitable for our height and gender, our blood pressure rises. If you can lose ten pounds then you also lose 10 points on your blood pressure level.

2.) Minimize eating salty food. Avoid or use minimal amounts of salt, soy sauce, fish sauce and fish paste. Also try to minimize eating noodles, dried fish and junk food. If you do that, your blood pressure will surely drop if it's above the normal level.

3.) Exercise. Try to exercise at least 3-5 times a day. Just kidding. 3-5 times a week is enough! Make sure to pick the exercise that suits your age. Jogging is preferable for our youth while Taichi would be nice for those in their golden years.

4.) Sleep at least 7-8 hours. At least. That means 7-8 or more okay? You can sleep longer if possible. Sleep is good for you! Try to rest and do deep breaths when you're exhausted.

5.) Cut off the work load. Too much work being done can heighten your blood pressure! Do the necessary and advised amount of work per day.

6.) Stop being angry frequently. If you're furious, your blood pressure could rise up to 50 points the normal rate.

7.) Fight off the heat. The climate also has something to do with our blood pressure. Drink lots of fluids to fight off excessive body heat and of course, be somewhere cool and dry.

8.) Don't be superstitious. Some people say that garlic and pineapple can actually be considered "medicine" for blood pressure. NO. Yeah they're nutritious but they aren't enough to keep or even lower your blood pressure.

Effective medicine for Blood Pressure:

If your blood pressure is really high, you should really take maintenance medicine.

One of the most effective medicine for highblood is Amplodine 5mg tablets that you can easily buy from generic drugstores. They only cost Php 5 (five pesos) per tablet.

The advisable dosage is half a tablet or a whole tablet every day. Cheap and effective!

It is advisable that you consult your doctor first before you consume anything. Your doctor will know the best suitable treatment for your illness.

For those who have high blood pressure, be obedient! Always drink your medicine for maintenance.

For the lucky ones, especially the youth who hasn't been suffering from high blood, it is much better to start changing the unhealthy lifestyle we have (if there is) and prevent the illness earlier. Stay Healthy!

source: DocWillieOng