
People Getting Scared

Feeling lonely? Your crush did not notice how much you prepared for him today? Your professor just dropped you out of his class? Your partner broke up with you or cheated on you? Stressed with your very fiery boss? Or your mom yelled at you because you forgot to wash the dishes? Yes. Those are the usual causes why we tend to end up having a bad day. There was once this day in my life where in, it was raining so hard and the only way I have is to walk home because the buses and trains cancelled their operations and by the time I got home I saw my sister texting my boyfriend. What’s even worse than that day right? I was so exhausted, my mind was running out of words to say and the only way I released my frustration is to laugh. YES TO LAUGH! Why? Let me share you some interesting facts about laughing, You see I am a book worm or I should say internet blog worm! Lol! First, laughter is contagious, The sound of laughter triggers regions in the premotor cortical region of your brain, which is involved in moving your facial muscles to correspond with sound and prepare to join in. Second, If you have a pudgy body, Laughing burns calories, YES IT DOES! Laughing raises both your energy expenditure and also your heart rate about 10 to 20 %, It is like you ran for about a minute already. Lastly, I mentioned above an incident where in. now you have a tip how to avoid, A cheating or unhappy partner, Laugher is also good for relationships, couples who use laughter and smile when discussing a touchy subject feel better in the immediacy and have higher levels of satisfaction in their relationship. 

They also stay longer together. See? So the next question is, where can we find laughter? I SAY, EVERYWHERE! One of the habits we do nowadays is to surf the internet, Internet is the most wondrous creation of all time and people are obsessed with it. Internet automatically means facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube... We don’t just enjoy reading and stalking people but also watch videos and movies too. When I’m bored, unhappy or stressed, All I do is watch and search hilarious videos on the internet. 

It was year 2010 when these pranks came out viral, Pranks where in you will play a maze and when you get to finish it the reward is the face of Emily Rose from the first exorcism movie, Chucky the possessed killer doll or Freddie Krueger from the Nightmare on elm street. Sounds scary huh? But nah-ah! It is when you’re the one playing the prank maze but when you’re the one watching what and how their reactions while playing the maze will be, I think you might laugh not just your heart but your organs out. 

This video was uploaded by Thomas J. Tom on Youtube about 2 years ago, A compilation of reaction videos of those who played the prank maze. which reached about 51 million views. Enjoy yourself!