Photo credit Rappler
In recent events (particularly for which it is voting season), Mayor Duterte's name has been thrown around the place, thus inviting a lot of supporters and fans and even protesters urging for him to say yes to running for presidency.
As lucky as Mayor Duterte can be and as lengthy as his political service is, his popular lifestyle as of a simple Filipino shows what a great deal of a leader he is -a City Mayor who detests luxury cars, patrols in Davao's City's streets with a motorcycle, and inspects in a regular taxi cab. He refuses to live in extravagance and proves more of his disdain for unnecessary luxuries as he allows us to have a tour around his home sweet home- to feed your spirit of inquiry.
Pictures shown below have been taken to show all corners of Mayor Duterte's house, with the gates wide open and ordinary visuals display a very moderate and normal way of life.
Photo credit Rappler
Photo credit Rappler
Photo credit Rappler
Photo credit Rappler
Photo credit Rappler
Photo credit Rappler
Photo credit Rappler
Photo credit Rappler
source: rappler/manilafeed
source: manila feed