
Babies are Truly Stress Relievers


Experts said that a little bit of stress is good for us, but I’m willing to bet we get way more of than we prefer. When I’m feeling stressed, seeing a baby will make my stress go away. They just look like angels sent from heaven. 

What is stress? According to what I have researched, it is a psychological and physiological state of disruption cause by the presence of an unanticipated or counter event. Stress comes from many different stages and is the cause of many problems of one person’s life. Almost everyone has some type of stress dealing with today. 

There are three main types of stress, First , Acute stress is the most common form of stress. It comes from demands and pressures of the recent past and anticipated demands and pressures of the near future. Acute stress is thrilling and exciting in small doses, but too much is exhausting. Second, Episodic acute stress, It is common for people with acute stress reactions to be over aroused, short-tempered, irritable, anxious and tense. Often, they describe themselves as having "a lot of nervous energy." Always in a hurry, they tend to be abrupt, and sometimes their irritability comes across as hostility. Interpersonal relationships deteriorate rapidly when others respond with real hostility. The workplace becomes a very stressful place for them. Lastly, chronic stress, While acute stress can be thrilling and exciting, chronic stress is not. This is the grinding stress that wears people away day after day, year after year. Chronic stress destroys bodies, minds and lives. It wreaks havoc through long-term attrition. It's the stress of poverty, of dysfunctional families, of being trapped in an unhappy marriage or in a despised job or career. The worst aspect of chronic stress is that people get used to it. They forget it's there. People are immediately aware of acute stress because it is new; they ignore chronic stress because it is old, familiar, and sometimes, almost comfortable. Each has their own characteristics, symptoms, duration, and treatment applications. Causes of stress are known as stressors, this makes you worried or anxious. It is the source of stress. 

 The most common stressor is change, a broken heart survival, career events, illness or injury, and lifestyle changes. The possible sources of stress are mostly categorized into "crises and catastrophes, major events, and daily hassles." These kinds of stress accumulate have been shown to have a longer-lasting impact and contribute more to illness than catastrophes and major life events such as getting divorced, having a cheating partner, or losing your job. The human body’s physiological reaction to stress causes the following uncomfortable symptoms. Stress is usually associated with negative connotations but not all stress is bad. This article will help you the causes and effects of your stress and how you can overcome them. 

According to my research, If you 7 out of 10 people prefer babies as stress relievers. I know some of you will agree too. 

Anyways, Smiling and laughing baby pictures/clips is too main stream. Here’s a video of babies reaction when they hear fart sound which was uploaded by Funny plox on youtube last 2013 which reached 11 million views and went viral on the internet. If you are having a bad stressful day, You better watch this video. I hope you have learned and also enjoyed my article.