
Sciece Did It Again : One of the most fuel efficient resources of solar energy


Solar energy production does not require fossil fuels and is therefore less dependent on this limited and expensive natural resource. With the rapid development of new, cheaper means of producing efficient photovoltaic, solar-powered devices are becoming a bigger part of our everyday lives. Roof Worx has been able to make solar power easily accessible for everyday home owners who want to lower their electricity bills with solar panels at their homes.

The Day-For-Night Solar Dress, designed by Despina Papadopoulos and it is custom-tailored with 448 white circuit board tiles that ‘accommodate solar cells, RGB LEDs, or photocells and jumper connections in the form of 0 Ohm resistors’

This is another great inventions that is solar lounge Chair, it keeps Recharge Electronics gadgets while relaxing outdoors.