
The Struggle of a Dying Premature Baby Captures Everyone’s Heart

A baby must be 9 months old when he or she leaves her mother’s womb. It is dangerous for a baby to face the real world without reaching the right age for his or her systems and organs are not yet fully developed and highly require equipments and assistance from the hospital for life support. But just like an unpredictable weather, a mother can never know if she’s to deliver a premature baby.

In the case of Lindsey, she unexpectedly gave birth to a 3 and a half months old baby weighing only 1.5 pounds. Having a premature angel especially with that fragile age is very rare and dangerous knowing that the survival rate among them is very little.

The baby named Ward needed to undergo several tubes and wires with the extreme effort of the doctors to keep her alive.

Ward bravely faced all these heavy equipments attached to him and after days and nights of staying in the NICU, the baby successfully surpassed all the life signs needed.

He miraculously survived and started to grow bigger and healthier just like a normal baby.