
Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong

Society nowadays sets the standard of beauty as someone who has beautiful face that almost lead to perfection. From television to billboard, these beautiful faces are very evident that's why more people believe that this is what really beauty is and all about. Added by human's innate insecurity and discontentment, more people are now willing to spend money and undergo plastic surgeries just to achieve the perfect face and just to be one of the so called beauties mistakenly imposed to us.
Sad to say, humans even the surgeons are also imperfect that instead of transforming you into beauty can mistakenly lead you to the other way. Before wishing to be someone else's face, decide very well and be reminded that human errors are inevitable and things sometimes go in the wrong way or can be worse.

The video below will show you horrifying plastic surgeries that unfortunately went wrong. Some of them are famous celebrities who planned to achieve a more admirable and desirable face but didn't went that way.
Sometimes discontentment and not loving yourself especially your physical self will just lead to danger. Instead of wanting and wishing for more, why not love yourself first just the way God undoubtedly created you and loves you from ashes to your human physical form.